For thirty weeks now I have been keeping you updated with my adventures and my life in this weekly blog post. I have been blogging for almost 10 months and the one year anniversary of the blog is looming in April. Everything keeps evolving and I am loving the creative process.
Solo Roadtripping to Torquay
This week I packed my few belongings into a car and headed off on an interstate road trip journey. I traveled from Adelaide in South Australia to Torquay in Victoria along the famous Great Ocean Road. Sleeping in the back of a Hyundai i30 on a piece of padded foam enabled me to wake up next to the beach and also to enjoy free accommodation. To be honest I prefer sleeping in the car more than camping as it gives you a lot more flexibility in terms of timing and location.
Each morning I awoke within yards of the ocean and enjoyed the rawness of my travels, watching tourists travel on 50 seat buses fly by me in another world entirely. I parked most nights in beach or lookout parking lots and never had any unwelcome knocks on my window during the night. One evening I even slept in the town center of Port Fairy without being disturbed.
What is this Vlogging?
I have a pretty laid back personality and friends often ask me if I ever get excited. I do get excited but am not a very animated person when it comes to expressions. Why am I telling you this? Because, despite my lack of animosity and extroversion, I decided I would create a guide to the Great Ocean Road in a vlog style video. Vlogging is a lot of work and I really enjoy watching some of my outgoing friends create daily awesomeness like Martin Solhaugen on his channel:
By the way if you don’t know what vlogging is; it’s pretty much recording your life, a trip, an experience and documenting it all through video. There are many different types on youtube and it is a medium that is continuing to grow in popularity. I don’t think I have the time to dedicate to vlogging as such but I am going to try and put together a few more videos throughout 2017 of my travels and adventures. You can check out the 28 videos on my Youtube Channel by clicking the link:
Stay posted for the 11 minute Great Ocean Road Video Guide Vlog to surface in the next few days. This week I am working flat out on some projects but the weather is heating up in a big way in Adelaide so I know I will end up at the beach.
Hope you are all still remember your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions and are all over them!