Cappadocia has a unique vibe and a unique history. Thousands of intact cave dwellings throughout the town make this a location like no other in the world. When you add the daily sunrise hot air balloon show, you create a magical almost fairytale-like atmosphere that draws hoards of tourists to the town of Goreme every year.
What I didn’t expect was the volume of amazing trails and hikes through the valleys in Cappadocia. I thought I was in for a quiet week amidst the balloons. I ended up hiking my newly recovered hips off into each and every valley I could find. It wasn’t about the incline, it was about the scenery. I felt like we were walking through natural museums on every trail.
Like I said in last weeks blog post, I hadn’t shot for almost two months but Cappadocia got me back into the swing of things and I had a great time shooting all of the trails, sunrise balloons, and castles in the region. These are my favorite photos from my eight days in Cappadocia. (Some of the photos of me were taken by @genuinetravel & @khoubai)
Saturday 13th of July 2019
Мне понравилось, красивое описание локации, плюс замечательные фото заставляющие мечтать. Место действительно замечательное, словно сказка, а эти воздушные шары, воодушевляет. Место заставляет верить в сказки, атмосфера полного релакса и отделенности от суеты, помогает отдохнуть и расслабиться. Спасибо за статью, очень понравилось, особенно фотографии, вы передали всю ауру этого места.
I like it, location is really fascinating, your description and photos make sense, help to feel the atmosphere of this place. Location is breath-taking, you like in a fairytale and air balloons. It is another wonderful side of this place, photos are incredible, you can show all prosperity of this location. Gratitudes for posts and blogs, they are interesting, good job!
Saturday 13th of July 2019
What an amazing gallery, looks so dope!