Unfortunately, I have become an analyst. I’m analyzing everything with such depth that I’m beginning to analyze the analysis and I’m questioning the question. It’s an important mindset to be able to delve into a situation of your own or even of another and unpack it, pull it apart and figure out how it works, why it came about, the motivations, the consequences and what it all means. However, like all things in life, everything has a beneficial limit. There is always a ceiling, which when passed begins to become detrimental. Too much of a good thing isn’t necessarily a ‘better’ thing.
Everything is relative and nothing is truly comparable, which is what often makes it so hard to genuinely relate and draw accurate comparisons from one life to another. It’s hard because I want to think things through and make sure I’m making decisions based on reason not based on emotion or short term desires. However, it can be crippling to any action at all and that stagnation is the enemy of growth, any growth at all.
Rather than trying to figure out the best way to spend my next year, the greatest project to have the most impact or the most meaningful way to live my life, I’ve just got to do it. What is it? It doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you are out there going after it. It will always evolve and if your intentions are in the right place and your motivation is strong, you will guide yourself to the place you wanted to end up without even knowing it.
We can always do better but that doesn’t mean the good we are doing now isn’t enough. That’s a hard sentence for me to swallow even as I write it. I’m not sure if I believe it, but I’m trying to. Otherwise, you’ll never create anything unless it’s perfect. I guess that is the evil of comparison. It kills dreams, ideas, and projects before they even begin. Imagine how many amazing concepts would be out in the world if people had given them the chance they deserved.
So now I’m going to try and ask myself only two questions rather than crippling myself with deathly-deep, life-defining, character-crunching, hard-hitting interrogations. Any future life-decisions, travel plans, destinations or lifestyle choices will be met with just the two following questions:
Are you challenging yourself?
Are you helping somebody else?
If I cannot truthfully and wholeheartedly answer yes to one of those questions. I will need to come up with something better for my valuable time and resources on this earth. Yes, hiking summits in Switzerland may not be changing the world but it will be challenging. Doing cleanups around the world may not be eradicating single-use plastic but it will be helping somebody else. That’s all. I’ll try not to unpack it and analyze it any further. I’m going to work hard on consistently answering yes to those questions and let my drive, motivation, and intention lead me where they will.
If you would like to comment below, I’d love to hear how you deal with over-analysis and if you also ever feel that you critique and analyze everything too much. Look forward to connecting in the comments!
Wednesday 9th of December 2020
I didn’t have any expectations concerning that title, but the more I was astonished.
Wednesday 9th of December 2020
Good article and interesting thoughts, I`ve read it with pleasure! Unfortunately, I`m not so good at expressing my thoughts, and when I need to write something, I usually apply for help.
Meryem Maria
Wednesday 26th of June 2019
Actually i can say Yes for both question. Yes im challinging to myself..Its not bad thing, i see my limit and im doing my best for see the thing the more than my limit.i enjoy, ıts callinging to nature of being. And other question also yes i love ppl i feel their sorrow like mine. I dont want they have sorrows.Especially the sorrows which comes by our needs. For example hunger,thirstiness, health and education. Everyone' s first need is that..i live in turkey and it was impossible to go india .its my first country that i have been ever.impossiblity got real and i saw that with my eyes. It was my biggest dream in my life And got real in impossibility.i understand ıf we want something from heart we can do anyhing we want even ıf looking impossible. I believe that going to india was not coincidence .Everything which is happen has purpose. So i saw a deeply poorness that i ever seen. And i had ona another biggest dream is that helping indian children. Especially for their education. Because for now i can prepare myself only for that..For their education..Because i will be a teacher after one year and i can make my words real. After making this dreams real ,then i can do best for them about anything about their first needs.its the dream which make me ME.
Meryem Maria
Wednesday 26th of June 2019
Actually i can say Yes for both questions. Yes im challinging to myself..Its not bad thing, i see my limit and im doing my best for see the thing the more than my limit.i enjoy, ıts challinging to nature of being. And other question also yes i love ppl i feel their sorrow like mine. I dont want they have sorrows.Especially the sorrows which comes by our needs. For example hunger,thirstiness, health and education. Everyone' s first need is that..i live in turkey and it was impossible to go india .its my first country that i have been ever.impossiblity got real and i saw that with my eyes. It was my biggest dream in my life And got real in impossibility.i understand ıf we want something from heart we can do anyhing we want even ıf looking impossible. I believe that going to india was not coincidence .Everything which is happen has purpose. So i saw a deeply poorness that i ever seen. And i had ona another biggest dream is that helping indian children. Especially for their education. Because for now i can prepare myself only for that..For their education..Because i will be a teacher after one year and i can make my words real. After making this dreams real ,then i can do best for them about anything about their first needs.its the dream which make me ME.
Meryem Maria
Wednesday 26th of June 2019
Actually i can say Yes both questions. Yes im challinging to myself..Its not bad thing, i see my limit and im doing my best for see the thing the more than my limit.i enjoy, ıts calling to nature of being. And other question also yes i love ppl i feel their sorrow like mine. I dont want they have sorrows.Especially the sorrows which comes by our needs. For example hunger,thirstiness, health and education. Everyone' s first need is that..i live in turkey and it was impossible to go india .its my first country that i have been ever.impossiblity got real and i saw that with my eyes. It was my biggest dream in my life And got real in impossibility.i understand ıf we want something from heart we can do anyhing we want even ıf looking impossible. I believe that going to india was not coincidence .Everything which is happen has purpose. So i saw a deeply poorness that i ever seen. And i had ona another biggest dream is that helping indian children. Especially for their education. Because for now i can prepare myself only for that..For their education..Because i will be a teacher after one year and i can make my words real. After making this dreams real ,then i can do best for them about anything about their first needs.its the dream which make me ME.